Friday 8 May 2009

Final Summary

Im 19.
Im Female.
I study Health Studies and Social Care.
I think Being Bad does relate well to social care as, as a social worker you will come across thousand of people who are 'bad'.
I found Being Bad at an appropiate level.
The list of topics covered were varied but sometimes too off the point!
I think the format for class worked well. Especially having the hour before to complete blogs, have access to computers etc.
I think the module team were okay. Couldnt tell you any of the lecturers names apart from Mark's as we had some different each week. We had to apdat each week to a new lecturers ways. I don't think this is a good aspect of the module.
More discussion and debate from the class would have been more fun during the lectures, but I think because it was such as huge class, not everyone was completey comfortable talking aloud.
I think appraoching teh module in an interdisplinary was successfull for me as I hadnt approached things like that before. It gave me a whole new insight to a variation of topics.
I am not entirly sure if i am Taking being bad level 2 in my second year as i am unsure of the module available to me at this moment in time!
I would recommend Being Bad module to a friend.
I do think the blogs were a good idea in my first year as I hadnt completeed anything online for my assignments until this module.
I enjoyed completing two different asignments as it gave me the oppurtunity to look into to subjects into more depth.
I have leanrt a lot from this module! I am more opened minded on Being Bad topics, and it has taught me to not be as narrow minded as I sometime admit to be!
I found the majority of topics interesting altough some where a complete waste of my time. For example, the guy who insisted on comparing some smoking compaign to the peugeot 206 advert for about 20 mintues. I wanted to self harm, belive me!
Overall, Being Bad was a good module, althoughs ome improvements to lecturers could be made!

Thursday 7 May 2009

Comment on Moomin's blog - stealing

I think that you need to be extremely brave in order to steal! Moomin's blog ( highlights the different effects of why people steal. If they are poor, then i genuinely feel sorry for then, but if they do it for the rush, then they are idiots. Why steal to make you feel good with the risk of getting caught and even arrested. I have stole a necklace accidently and felt terrible about it! I was paranoid that i was on camera and being followed around! Businesses loose thousand of pounds each year due to theifs, so i think more security and anti- thief devices should be put in place! If thieves can get away with it then good on them I think!!

Comment on Nic's Blog

Nic highlights benefits fraudsters and i agree with her! People who really need money off the government are being penilised and wrongly accused of being benefit fraudsters. People who take advantage, and claim to be carers, or 'seeking work' are theives. Tax payers money are stereotypically, being spent on fags and booze. I personally, dont pay any tax yet, but im sure that i will feel more strongly about benefit fraudsters when i am older and independently earning money!!

Comment on Kates Column - Bless you.

I agree with Kate. . Swine flue has made it's appearence in the United Kingdom. I understand the importance of not spreading it, but surely the actions to keep it from spreading should be put into action in peoples everyday lives already! We should all cover our nouths and noses when we cough and sneeze, and we know we should wash our hands in order to stop the germs and bacteria spreading, so why the adverts and leaflets telling us how to do it! Come on Gordan Brown! Give your citizens more belief than that! No one wants to catch it!

Wednesday 6 May 2009


Prostitution, in the UK is illegal. There is an estimated 80,000 people in the UK involved in Prostitution. So, is it a bad thing?
I think yes it is, although for some women, it is the only way they are able to make money.
The red light district in Amsterdam is well known all around the world for its regulated brothels. The prostitutes have regualr STI tests and the brothels are clean.
The reality of prostitution is sometimes brutal, including child abuse and exploitation of adults. Films such as Pretty Woman highlights realities of prostitution and how different social classes in society see it.

Brothels, although illegal are much more safer than prostitutes having to walk the streets and jump in poeples car for business.

I also think prostitution is definately a bad thing as it has the potentional to tear families apart.

Check out the following link for the laws on prostitution.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is mainly in the spot light with celebrities. Jordan aka Katie Price has always been in the media for her dramatic boob jobs or trout pout lips. Could she contribute to the thousand of teenagers wanting plastic surgery on themselves from a young age.

There are two types of plastic surgery, cosmetic and reconstructive

Cosmetic refers to breast implants, liposuction, nose jobs and botox while recontructive refers to defects being fixed such as birth mark lightening, skin grafts after animals bites car crashes etc.

So, Is plastic surgery a bad thing?

My personal opinion is no, its not. No one forces any body to go 'under the knife' surely it is there personal choice. A lot of thought and anticipation should go into the decision of cosmetic surgery. If surgery is the answer to improving a person's self esteem and confidence, and that specific individual has the money to do so then why not???

I would definately have surgery when I'm older. Especially after having children to correct my sags! I want to stay as yougn as i can for as long as possible and if surgery can offer me that then I will take it!

Although saying this, people should know when to stop, Like tattoo's cosmetic surgery comes with a particular 'addictive' aspect. Look at celebrities such as, Tara Reid, Donnatella Versarce and Pete Burns for prime examples!

Reconstructuve surgery can also come with saddening stories, look our troops out in Iraq who have been sent home having to have their faces rebuilt because of an explosion, or young children you hear about being burnt in house fires.

The term plastic surgery covers a wide range of surgery but I don't think it's a bad thing at all!

Check out this link for the risks and benefits of plastic surgery.

Saturday 2 May 2009

Bad Comedians

Roy Chubby Brown first comes to mind when referring to 'bad' comedians. He's rude, racist, sexist, vulgar, crude and refers to women's gentalia in some of the most sickest and discusting ways I have ever heard off.

I would definately say the intent of Chubby Brown's act is 'bad' but I adore him! I think he is hilarious and say's a lot of the things that we could only imagine talking about with our closest friends.

I do prefere lighter comedy though, with comedians such as Peter Kaye and Paddy McGuiness. These comedians are fun and lighthearted.

However the humour difference between Chubby Brown and Peter Kaye highlights Britain is obviously accepeted into todays age and culture as they are still performing stand up's, and selling thousand of tickets for people to sit and laugh at their jokes each day.

The majority of the humour and jokes shared by these comedians are about todays society and the community but if we don't laugh about it then im sure we will cry! Follow think link for a brilliant example of chubby's humour!

Wednesday 29 April 2009


I think this is something that we are all guilty or doing at some point in our driving lives! I am guilty of it myself, especially if I am late for work, Or uni or course!! Speed Limits are there for a reason. In the news a lot of the time we hear about people dying in car accidents because of dangerous driving eg; speeding! In a lot of cases it is the passenger that usually come off worse or even more drastic, ends up dead.

I personally have never got in a car with anybody I dnt trust to be a safe driver and never will. My friend was killed two years ago in a speeding car and i vowed i would always be a sensible driver! If a driver wants to speed then let them. as long as they are in the car themselves and no one elses lives are at risk then thats up to them!

Young adults are prone to wanting fast, kitted up cars in order to attract attention or 'be bad'. yes, if they can afford it and are going to be sensible then why not? but if otherwise, and there prepared to break speed limits then there not a good idea!

I completely agree with insurance policies being way more expensive for young lads!

We all hear the jargon of 'women drivers' but perhaps its because they majority are a lot more careful than male drivers. You hear a lot more lads bragging about 'writing their car off' than you do females! I think programmes such as Top Gear influence the car owners and speeders of today!

As my mom says; "Its not you, Its the other Idiots on the road!" lol Typical!!

Take a look at this website for help in getting to know your speed limits!

Thursday 23 April 2009

childhood obesity

Campaigns such as Change for Life, brought into action by the department of health, highlights the obesity and poor diet of children of today. "The Hospital" aired on channel four this week demonstrates how young children and teenagers are wanting gastric band's fitted as an easy way out.

Are the parents to blame though for their child/ren being obese?? In a way, I think yes. A small baby cannot decide what they eat, their parent can. As they get older, obviously they have choice about what they put in their mouth but their parents still have the prime deicision about what food to give their child. A child in my year, yes, he was huge, had to have padlocks on his kitchen cupboards and fridge in order for him to stop getting food out! He would even attempt to eat the dog food in order to cure his food addiction. This is not good!

More research and parenting skills should be put in force in order for young children to control their junk food habits.

More education and fitness lessons during compulsory school shuld cure the rise of obese children!

Wednesday 22 April 2009


Bullying can happen in many forms.. Physical, emotional, verbal etc. I was no at all surprised to find that bullying occurs online especially with the social networking sites being so popular at the moment eg; facebook, myspace bebo. In my opinion no one has the right to bully anybody else in any form. I believe what goes around comes aorund and so every bully will always have it come back on them in some form in their life. Bullies either have insecurities of their own or have experienced bullying themselves in their own lives whther it through their family or peers. There are so many charities devotd to helping bullied children and adults which demonstrates how much bullying goes on in the UK today.

Stories are heard on the news of children and adults being driven to suicide because of the bullying. It is definately being bad when a bully can drive people feel so low about themselves in order for them to take their own lives.

Do You agree???"! Take a look at this website in order to get an idea of the forms of bullying and amount involved in helping people suffering from bullying.

Friday 17 April 2009

Bad Children???

Are children themselves the ones to blame for there bad behaviour? We have all seen children run riot on buses, shops and restaurants. Some parents, control their children very well, but others just let them do what they want. Media plays a part in childrens behaviour, televesion programs such as family guy and the simpsons all give children the wrong idea's on how the behave. Bad parenting is also sometimes to blame for a child's behaviour, excuse me being stereotypical but the majority of young moms you see with children are not the best at talking to their child correctly or at least making them sit still! I know there is no such thing as correct parenting but programs such as supernanny and nanny 911 such be took more notice off!

When sitting on the bus the other week a young boy, aged around 4 told his mom to f*!k off..His mom just gave him a dirty look and didnt correct him! I was disgusted! I have never told my mom to f*!k off as i would fear the consequences!!!

Perhaps more guidence for parents and young moms should be given inorder to help them deal with their children's behaviour!! In 2002 the BBC released a statement that read " Bad parenting causes crime." Take a look at this link for more information

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Teenage Pregnancy

The United Kingdom has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Western Europe. The documentary aired on Channel 4 last nite really opened my eyes to a small proportion of teenage girls who had no idea of contraception! Surely these girls had sex education at school?! The biggest shock for me was when the 13 year old replied to the question, 'did you not think you could get pregnant?' in which she said;' well iv been with the same partner for a few weeks so i didnt think i could get pregnant.' What sort of education is this young mom having?! I beleive that if these teenagers want to have sex then fair enough, we all want to explore and find ourselves as people, but at the same time, these young adults need to be made aware of the consequences of not only becoming pregnant, but the risks that they are putting themselves at for contracting sexually transmitted infection such as chlamydia, herpes, warts, gonorrheoa and even HIV.

One teenager in the documentary insisted on a general anaesthetic during her c-section, this charges the NHS £10,000 a time and of course, where does that money come from? Taxpayers like the majority of yourselves and families!

Click on the following link for further information on teenage pregnancy

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Anorexia Nervosa

The programme aired on channel four recently, hosted by fearne cotton really opened my eyes to anorexia. I was aware that pro- anorexia websites were easily accessable but was amazed at the content of them. The media has a huge impact on young girls of today and models such as nicole richie, victoria beckham really are unaware of the poor examples they are setting for young females that look up to them and admire them! Some healh professionals belive that anorexia is down to nature and genetics but I disagree. no one if born anorexic! Today, more awareness needs to be promoted in order for family, friends of anorexia sufferers to notice the signs before it gets out of hand! Anorexia sufferers must have a load of willpower! I know one thing, i love my food way to much and adore my curves so would never be able to not eat! Follow the link for more information on anorexia>>>

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Illegal Downloading

"Six million people are estimated to download illegal files in the UK" according to the BBC website . We have all done this at some point or another whether, its documents, pictures and most popular, music files. Whether you use, torrent sites, limewire, bearshare etc, we are all commiting a crime. Illegal downloading is classed as stealing. The only legal sites are the sites such as itunes in which you pay for. Illegal downloads cost music and film companies millions each year in lost revenues. Is it bad to download music?? I think yes, but if the downloadable sites are easily accessable and getting caught is not likely then why not download them for free??!!

Thursday 2 April 2009

Comment on "I wish Philospohy was pink" blog - Body Modification

I agree with 'Miss Matrix's' post that Body modification is a social norm. I have one tattoo and 7 piercings and see these personal modifications as an indiciation of my individuality. I dye and cut my hair, cut my nails and wear make up. All these make me the person I am today. I belive body modification makes our world a very interesting place to live. Can you imagine a world where we was all the same? How boring! The only context I see body modification as being bad is when individuals use piercing to self harm etc. It does go on!

I disagree that piercings and tattoo's should sometimes be covered up, eg, workplace. as i belive our body is a blank canvas and we are entitled to do as we please without the prejudice rules we sometimes come across in todays society!

Jade Goody. Were we Interested?

Jade Goody lost her battle to cancer on 22nd March 2009. I was a huge fan of Jade as I admired her aspirations and goals as, unfortunately she was brought up into a world of drugs, alcohol and abuse.

I was shocked to see March's edition of OK magazine displaying "Official Tribute Issue 1981-2009" when she hadn't even died. This was appauling of OK! magazine being as they had supported her throughout her battle, paid for her wedding and christening. I am grateful for Jade to bringing the importance of cervical smears to light but was reluctant to keep observing her deteriating condition everywhere I looked. Fair enough, she wanted to make money for her two boys, but what about the other thousands of people dying of cancer all over the world? You don't see all their faces spread across every newspaper, magazine or television. Im sure her death will not be the end of her families publicity. I want to put forward to OK! that they attempt to publish an issue on some other people other than Jade Goody for the first time this year and not keep bringing up the awful sadness of her death.

As you can see, this week's edition of ok! Jack Tweeds still earning his money from her!

Sunday 22 March 2009

Comment on "who loves Orange soda?" blog - Heroin

"Who Loves Orange Soda?" highlights the risks and dangers of smoking heroin. I was surprised in the first lecture of Being Bad that there was a heroin user in the same lecture theatre as me! I know that its not unusual in todays society for people to use drugs but when you think that it could be the person sitting behind or in front of you then it does get pretty worrying! I have been brought up in a town where there are hardly no teenage pregnancies, little durg use (to what I know to!) no gangs and overall not a bad reputation, so the first lecture espcially did open my eyes up to the real world! Fair enough, the confessions of unprotected sex, stealing and driving offences didnt scare me, but the topic of Class A drugs did worry me.

" there are around 40,000 registered drg users in the UK, but reality could be more than four times this." For more information on this article, follow this link>>

I think the confessor on this module should take advise from FRANK and concentrate on achiveing his/her degree than getting their fix. I understand that coming off addictive drugs is extremely hard and take months, years, but do they really want to jeopadise their University Life for Heroin?

Thursday 5 March 2009

Comment on Karen Owen's Blog - Shameless

In response to Karen's blog 'Shameless' [ ]I completely agree with her! Although it is a brilliant series to watch it does excellently highlight the issues in which we have spoke about the past six weeks! Especially Episode 9 on the 3rd March where they got caught by the benefit officer. This issue is an ongoing thing throughout the United Kingdom in all classes. The story of Jeffery Cole and Sashi Bacheta was highlighted in the media on 23rd February. They had both claimed £62,000 in benefits when both were perfectly healthy to work. They were pictured on there £100.000 yacht!

Shameless does highlight issues that should be looked at more seriously in todays society but makes fun of it. An easier way of approaching difficult issues that some people may find offensive or difficult to deal with.


The issue of Masturbation was obviously a very humourous subject for the majority of the Being Bad module takers. But there as been positive and negative aspects of masturbation in the media. Take a look at where researchers have developed a thorty that regular masturbation in males could cut there risk of prostate cancer as they are getting rid of the build up of cancer causing chemicals in the prostate.

Some people can become "podcasturbastors" (masturbation addicts) (read more > An example of this was in the text "Portnoy's Complaint." If you had read it, you would notice how podcasturbators can completly disrupt there lives and so need to seek help for there addiction. As you can see from the image, its not only healthly humans that enjoy masturbating!

Thursday 26 February 2009


In the last few years the awareness of risks and causes of smoking has increased considerably. From the written warnings and grotesque images on tobacco products to television adverts and even the huge changes in laws. For further information on these new laws follow

People still continue to smoke, Why? The addiction? Peer Pressure? To be cool? I suppose only the individual could tell you. In the handout given to us all in the Smoking lecture it gave us exhibits #1 - #10, where the majority was all in defense of smoking. Exhibit#10 stated "women perfer to have smaller babies." This is a selfish attitude to have as some people are unable to concieve and live there lives longing for a child. And yet, people who are lucky enough to have children still carry on smoking during pregnancy. The harmfull effects of smoking during pregnancy are shown in the link >>

Yes, people smoke for pleasure and I agree thats its freedom of choice and people should be able to smoke where they like when they like. But what I have seen with my own eyes upsets me more than anything about smoking. While my nan while dying in hospital with terminal lung cancer (after never smoking in her life)I had to walk through the entrance of the hospital doors past people in wheelchairs, on drips, breathing in their smoke while they sat there smoking. To me, that is discusting.

The awareness has increased the past 5 - ten years of smoking but I believe it needs to be increased even more!

I'd love to hear both smokers and non- smokers views on this please!

Monday 23 February 2009


Everyone knows at least one case of Infidelity that has gone on between friends, family members and even celebrities. I have known a few cases of Infidelity that has been made well known in my area. A married man decided to have an affair with an American woman over the internet. He travelled over to America(telling his wife he was on a business trip), brought his mistress back and introduced her to his wife. The guys wife then decided to sell her story to 'Chat' magazine which is why this case of Infidelity is well known in my area! In 2006, i happened to get a job at a supermarket where the Americian woman worked! I happened to ask her one day 'what made you move over here to England' in which she replied " I took a wrong turn in Arizona..." After a short, awkward silence, I let out one of those " well i dnt really have a clue what the hell you are ona bout but il acknowledge that you were attempting a joke" laughs.

She was obviously trying to cover up her tracks!

BBC news (online) have covered an article in which Professer Tim Spector has evidence of genetic links to infidelity. For more information follow the link >>

Another case of Infidelity I have seen is my best friends parents who decided to tell my friend that they were separating on New Years days because of the affair that her father had been having with the mom sister! This case of infidelity has ripped the family apart! It has affected my best mate, making her physically ill, suffering from anxiety, panic attacks and heart palpitations. This is one example of how infidelity can really alter people's lifestyles. Why do so many people commit infidelty!!

Sunday 15 February 2009

Week 12 Suggestion - Alcohol

For the week 12 session I think we should discuss alcohol. The majority of us drink and so I think it would be interesting to know why we all enjoy a good piss up! There has been speculation in the news about the abuse that medical staff have to suffer when dealing with drunken teenagers sent in off the streets. Many of us are guilty of 'binge drinking' but is it bad?

I think yes, if done often! If drinking in moderation and not on a daily basis then why shouldnt we go out and have a good time? As long as we are respectful, behave ourselves (as much as we can!) and get ourselves home safely then i dont see a problem with drinking alcohol. I beleive some young adults, drink too much and need to pay attenion to the long term damaging effects of alcohol abuse, such as liver disease. Take a look at this site >>> for more information about drinking sensibly!