Tuesday 5 May 2009

Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is mainly in the spot light with celebrities. Jordan aka Katie Price has always been in the media for her dramatic boob jobs or trout pout lips. Could she contribute to the thousand of teenagers wanting plastic surgery on themselves from a young age.

There are two types of plastic surgery, cosmetic and reconstructive

Cosmetic refers to breast implants, liposuction, nose jobs and botox while recontructive refers to defects being fixed such as birth mark lightening, skin grafts after animals bites car crashes etc.

So, Is plastic surgery a bad thing?

My personal opinion is no, its not. No one forces any body to go 'under the knife' surely it is there personal choice. A lot of thought and anticipation should go into the decision of cosmetic surgery. If surgery is the answer to improving a person's self esteem and confidence, and that specific individual has the money to do so then why not???

I would definately have surgery when I'm older. Especially after having children to correct my sags! I want to stay as yougn as i can for as long as possible and if surgery can offer me that then I will take it!

Although saying this, people should know when to stop, Like tattoo's cosmetic surgery comes with a particular 'addictive' aspect. Look at celebrities such as, Tara Reid, Donnatella Versarce and Pete Burns for prime examples!

Reconstructuve surgery can also come with saddening stories, look our troops out in Iraq who have been sent home having to have their faces rebuilt because of an explosion, or young children you hear about being burnt in house fires.

The term plastic surgery covers a wide range of surgery but I don't think it's a bad thing at all!

Check out this link for the risks and benefits of plastic surgery.http://www.the-cosmetic-surgery-directory.com/benefits_risks.html

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