Thursday 26 February 2009


In the last few years the awareness of risks and causes of smoking has increased considerably. From the written warnings and grotesque images on tobacco products to television adverts and even the huge changes in laws. For further information on these new laws follow

People still continue to smoke, Why? The addiction? Peer Pressure? To be cool? I suppose only the individual could tell you. In the handout given to us all in the Smoking lecture it gave us exhibits #1 - #10, where the majority was all in defense of smoking. Exhibit#10 stated "women perfer to have smaller babies." This is a selfish attitude to have as some people are unable to concieve and live there lives longing for a child. And yet, people who are lucky enough to have children still carry on smoking during pregnancy. The harmfull effects of smoking during pregnancy are shown in the link >>

Yes, people smoke for pleasure and I agree thats its freedom of choice and people should be able to smoke where they like when they like. But what I have seen with my own eyes upsets me more than anything about smoking. While my nan while dying in hospital with terminal lung cancer (after never smoking in her life)I had to walk through the entrance of the hospital doors past people in wheelchairs, on drips, breathing in their smoke while they sat there smoking. To me, that is discusting.

The awareness has increased the past 5 - ten years of smoking but I believe it needs to be increased even more!

I'd love to hear both smokers and non- smokers views on this please!

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