Wednesday 29 April 2009


I think this is something that we are all guilty or doing at some point in our driving lives! I am guilty of it myself, especially if I am late for work, Or uni or course!! Speed Limits are there for a reason. In the news a lot of the time we hear about people dying in car accidents because of dangerous driving eg; speeding! In a lot of cases it is the passenger that usually come off worse or even more drastic, ends up dead.

I personally have never got in a car with anybody I dnt trust to be a safe driver and never will. My friend was killed two years ago in a speeding car and i vowed i would always be a sensible driver! If a driver wants to speed then let them. as long as they are in the car themselves and no one elses lives are at risk then thats up to them!

Young adults are prone to wanting fast, kitted up cars in order to attract attention or 'be bad'. yes, if they can afford it and are going to be sensible then why not? but if otherwise, and there prepared to break speed limits then there not a good idea!

I completely agree with insurance policies being way more expensive for young lads!

We all hear the jargon of 'women drivers' but perhaps its because they majority are a lot more careful than male drivers. You hear a lot more lads bragging about 'writing their car off' than you do females! I think programmes such as Top Gear influence the car owners and speeders of today!

As my mom says; "Its not you, Its the other Idiots on the road!" lol Typical!!

Take a look at this website for help in getting to know your speed limits!

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